Cat hygiene: what is important to know
Cats are generally rather clean animals (especially those living in flats): they do not need too much attention…
How to clean dog paws
It matters little whether he walks in the street or in the meadow, when it is sunny or…
When to give your dog a smart treat
Giving your dog a smart treat is a positive reinforcement technique. This technique consists of rewarding your four-legged…
Why is it important to brush the dog?
Regardless of the length of the hair, brushing your dog brings with it countless benefits. Indeed, brushing, if…
ExpoDetergo 21-24 October 2022
EXPOdetergo International 2022: we’ll be there! We will be present at the next EXPOdetergo International to be held…
It’s Easter for Fido too!
Our beloved dogs deserve their Easter EGG! Play&Gnam! The egg that contains a SURPRISE: dogs love it! PLAY!…