Protect your dog from fleas, ticks and mosquitoes

Protecting your dog from fleas, ticks and mosquitoes is essential to ensure your well-being and health. These parasites not only cause annoyance, but can also transmit serious diseases. So here are some tips on how to keep your four-legged friend safe from these unwanted insects.


Fleas are external parasites that feed on your dog’s blood, causing itching, irritation and, in some cases, severe allergic reactions. Additionally, they can transmit diseases such as bartonellosis and the tapeworm parasite.

How to defend yourself? There are various types of anti-parasitic products (collars, spot-ons and tablets) that kill fleas and prevent their infestation. It is important to choose a product suitable for your dog’s weight and age, and carefully follow your vet’s instructions.

Cleaning the house regularly and washing fabrics that the dog comes into contact with, such as blankets and kennels, is also essential, preferably using a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filters to remove flea eggs and larvae from the home environment.

Finally, it is a good idea to frequently inspect your dog’s fur, especially after walks outdoors, to identify and remove any fleas before the infestation worsens.


Ticks are external parasites that attach to the dog’s skin and feed on its blood. And they are dangerous, because they can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis and babesiosis.

As with fleas, there are collars, spot-ons, and tablets to prevent and treat them, but it is also necessary to adopt some good habits.

After every walk in wooded or grassy areas, carefully check your dog’s fur to locate and remove any ticks, paying particular attention to hidden areas such as the ears, neck and paws.

If you find an attached tick, it is important to remove it correctly using appropriate tweezers. Grasp the tick as close to the animal’s skin as possible and pull with a steady motion. Avoid crushing the tick, as this will increase the risk of disease transmission


Mosquitoes are vectors for several diseases, including heartworm, a potentially lethal condition caused by a parasite that infests the dog’s heart and lungs.

How to prevent them? Using mosquito repellents specifically for dogs, to reduce the risk of bites. Pelu Zanzaastop is a brush with top quality adhesive created specifically for animal fur and enriched with pure plant extracts, including Geranium and Citronella, which help keep mosquitoes away from your four-legged friend.

Finally, to reduce mosquito populations around your home, you will need to eliminate sources of stagnant water where these insects can lay their eggs. While, to prevent their entry, you can rely on mosquito nets and air conditioners.

Also remember that taking your dog to the vet for regular check-ups is crucial to monitor his health and update anti-parasitic treatments: only a professional can provide specific and personalized advice based on the area you live in and your pet’s habits.

Keep your puppy healthy with a balanced diet and regular grooming to strengthen his immune system, making him less susceptible to parasitic infestations, and brush him regularly for parasites.

Protecting your dog from fleas, ticks and mosquitoes requires a multifactorial approach that includes the use of preventative products, monitoring the environment and regular care. By taking these precautions, you can guarantee your dog a healthy and peaceful life, far from the annoyances and dangers caused by these parasites.

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