Our beloved dogs deserve their Easter EGG! Play&Gnam!
The egg that contains a SURPRISE: dogs love it!
PLAY! The egg with cereal wafer that you can throw at your dog without breaking it. The “rolling” shape will make it a nice game to chase.
Once he gets it, he’ll have to gnaw on it a little bit for…
GNAM! Inside the egg there is a tasty surprise: a bisquit with Parmigiano Reggiano DOP butter that will amaze your dog!
Contact us by e-mail or with Direct Instagram for more info!
#eastermugue #mugue #easter2022

Mugue Marketing Manager.
I love new ideas and continually looking for new communication strategies to never stop learning, after all, “If you’re a good marketing person, you have to be a little crazy.” (Jim Metcalf).