The bed sheets are full of fungi, bacteria, animal dander, pollen, soil, lint etc.: this is the gross truth of Philip Tierno, a microbiologist at the New York University School of Medicine.
Humans naturally produce 26 gallons of sweat in bed every year. This moisture, at high humidity, is an “ideal fungal culture medium“: pillows can contain between 4 and 17 different species of fungus!
To the fungus we must add the bacteria that come from the epidermis, from coughing or from sneezing. Finally, for those who have dogs or cats at home, do not underestimate the hairs of animals, in addition to pollen and dust mites.
…bed hygiene is not to be underestimated, considering that a person spends about a third of their life in bed!
So, how often should you wash your bed sheets? Philip Tierno says once a week. This is the only way to avoid brooding germs that can cause inflamed throat, a stuffy nose, exacerbate allergies, or aggravate asthma. In fact, in the bed, the germs are in direct contact with the mouth and, although unconsciously, at night we inhale many of them. Is impossible to avoid it.*
After this bad discovery, we challenge you not to rush to buy ours Pelù BatteriStop!
The revolutionary anti-bacterial lint roller Pelù BatteriStop removes in a faster way environmental bacteria from tissues: over 90% with a single pass**.
Universitary test have shown that Pelù BatteriStop can eliminate bacteria, providing new life to the tissues.
In addition, the lint roller has been enriched with natural essential oils that ensure a fresh aroma to all fabrics and garments, sheets and pillowcases included!
**Tested by University of Milan under test conditions carried out on a pool of environmental and Escherichia Coli bacteria

Mugue Marketing Manager.
I love new ideas and continually looking for new communication strategies to never stop learning, after all, “If you’re a good marketing person, you have to be a little crazy.” (Jim Metcalf).