This is the beginning of a beautiful story…
The last 21st of June, we found, in the middle of our yard, a little bird.
He was there, between tir and cars and under the hot heat. It was really sick, poor puppy!
The little bird, though featherless, made itself heard! Declared its food!
But…what does a little puppy of a few days – maybe a week – of life eats?
The little bird seemed to like the fresh water (we used a syringe without a needle), and this calmed it a little.
Meanwhile, we started to looking for some Association closed to us that could take care of it, and after some research here and there, somebody named Green House.
This nonprofit Association is composed by very young and really pets lovers people.
They took care of Frankie (this is the name they gave to the bird, which is a merl!) and one volunteer took it to his home, putting the alarm clock at night to sip it, with a patience and a love that few would have had!
Take a look how Frankie has recovered!
Soon it will be ready to fly in the middle of nature!
Green House, this pet shelter, is really a rare pearl and deserves applause.
They also organize many events at their “home” immersed in the green (charity aperitifs, 6-legged walks, educational paths for children etc.)
In short, they make a great deal!
Here is Green House contacts for those who want to contact them or go find them:
Via Donizetti 31 – Usmate Velate (MB)

Mugue Marketing Manager.
I love new ideas and continually looking for new communication strategies to never stop learning, after all, “If you’re a good marketing person, you have to be a little crazy.” (Jim Metcalf).